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useForm Hook

The useForm hook must be consumed inside a <Form/> provider, as it uses its context.

Check out useField first#

It's probable that you can get away using the useField hook, which provides state management out of the box. Please check it out before reaching for useForm!


In some rare cases, you might not be able to use Field because of some input wrapper for instance (which happens with some Material UI fields). You can then use the useForm hook to manually update and get back the values for this specific field. This field should maintain its own state and update the values (and) held by frmx as a side effect, like so:

Example Usage#

import React, { useState } from 'react'import { Form, Field, Submit, useForm } from "frmx"import { TextField, Button } from "@material-ui/core"import { WeirdInput } from "some-random-pkg"
function CustomCheckboX({field}) {  const {    getOneField,    setOneField,  } = useForm()
  const [val, setVal] = useState(getOneField(field))
  return <>    <WeirdInput      iChangeLikeThat={( a, b, c ) => {        setVal([ a, b, c])        setOneField(field, [ a, b, c])      }}      myValue={val}    >  </>}
export default function MyComponent() {  return <>  <Form      initialValues={{ foo: "", bar: { baz: false } }}      onSubmit={data => alert(JSON.stringify(data, null, 2))}      >
          <Field path="foo">              <TextField>          </Field>
          <CustomCheckboX path="bar.baz">
          <Submit>              <Button>Submit</Button>          </Submit>      </Form>  </>}

The good news is, once you've created a wrapper around this input, you can reuse it everywhere in your application, and it needs only one prop to operate (the field it should control, that is). It will be automagically linked to the nearest frmx parent through React's Context API

Note: It's also important your remember to do the exact same thing for the error state: Keep track of it locally and update it in frmx as a side effect if you need to validate that input

Full API reference#

To do so, you can destructure all values frmx interacts with like so (assuming you're inside a <Form></Form> provider):

getFieldsfunctionfunction that returns all the fields as currently edited. Ex: const fields = getFields()
getOneErrorfunctionfunction that returns if the field has an error. Ex: const isError = getOneError(field)
getOneFieldfunctionfunction that returns a field value. Ex: const value = getOneField(field)
getOneUpdatedfunctionfunction returning a boolean, Ex: const isVisited = getOneVisited(field)
handleSubmitfunctionthe function implementing all frmx submitting logic
hasUpdatesfunctionReturns a boolean indicating wether or not the form was updated
hasErrorsfunctionReturns a boolean indicating wether or not the form contains errors
resetFormfunctionthe function that resets the form to the initialValues state
setOneErrorfunctionfunction accepting a boolean. Ex: setOneError(field, true)
setOneFieldfunctionfunction that allows you to set a field value. Ex: setOneField(field, value)
setOneUpdatedfunctionfunction to mark a field as visited. Ex: setOneVisited(field)
useResetListenerfunctionIf you wish to listen for reset events inside fields you built with hooks to reset them along with the rest of the form, just call this function inside your component and pass it a function to execute upon reset. Ex: useResetListener(console.log("hi from the reset listener"))

Note: You can also test wether or not you're inside a <Form></Form> provider by not destructuring values right away, like so:

const frmx = useForm()
if (!!frmx) {  // stuff here  const { getOneError } = frmx  frmx.handleSubmit()}

You can check out the <Field/> implementation for more inspiration.